A review by bookbae96
Calling Me Away by Louise Bay


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Now that Ashleigh and Luke's relationship has taken a very different direction, things are starting to change. While Luke couldn't be more thrilled and sure that everything is just as it should be, Ash is in retreat and reconsider mode.

Let me be clear about this: I am in love with this series. I fall a little bit harder for Louise Bay's writing with each book of hers that I read. Luke has won my heart, and Ash, although she's making me crazy, makes me want to grab her and hug her and reassure her that everything will work out. If CALLING ME BACK was the build-up of the evolution of the relationship between Luke and Ash, CALLING ME AWAY is the dip, the sort of 'oh, my goodness, NOW what do we do?!' part of the story. It's that part that makes me, as a reader, feel all angsty and unsure, just wishing that these two could get back on the same page and get together already. With all of that said, though, this story just makes the anticipation of CALLING ME HOME, the third and final book in this series, that much sweeter. Getting to see more of Haven, Jake (who I am loving even more the more that I see of him), and Beth is an added bonus. 5 angsty, nail-biting, impatient yet hopeful stars for CALLING ME AWAY. Book 3 can't come soon enough!