A review by jesseirl
Kohta voi vähän kirpaista - Nuoren lääkärin salaiset päiväkirjat by Adam Kay


Five Stars All the Way

This book was an enjoyable and unique read from start to finish. So much I learnt and so many humorous takes on the work as a doctor.

”This is going to hurt: Secret diaries of a junior doctor” is a touching and entertaining memoir by Adam Kay, a former junior doctor in the NHS in the UK. The book is a collection of diary entries that Kay wrote during his time as a junior doctor, documenting the often grueling and emotionally taxing experiences he faced while working in the NHS.

The feature that stands out most in the book is its honesty and authenticity. Kay doesn’t shy away from sharing the difficult, often disgusting, and sometimes downright absurd experiences he faced. His writing is raw, emotional, and often utterly hilarious.

One of the themes that emerges throughout the book is the incredible amount of pressure that junior doctors face, both in terms of the demands of the job and the expectations placed on them. Kay writes candidly about the long hours he worked, the sacrifices he made, and the toll that the job took on his personal life.

Despite the challenges he faced, Kay's love for his job and his patients shines through in every page of the book. He writes about the rewards of the job, including the sense of accomplishment and pride he felt in helping others and saving lives.

Overall, "This is Going to Hurt" is a thought-provoking and highly enjoyable read that offers a unique and valuable perspective on the life of a doctor. It's a must-read for anyone who hasn’t worked in the healthcare industry, or is interested in healthcare or just looking for a moving and entertaining memoir.