A review by jennjohnson
I Don't Want to Kill You by Dan Wells


I don't think a rating system exists that conveys the right feeling for these books.

Well-written, incredibly creative worldbuilding, with characters I adore, and twists I never see coming. And each one with a title I can't speak too loudly in public without getting A Look from strangers. They're delightful.

This one, though. I wasn't ready for it...Immediately after I finished it, I wanted to throw it into the fireplace. Instead I stared at the ceiling for an hour, trying to figure out what went wrong.

Was what happened, John's fault? Was it because he broke his rules? Or was it because he just does not understand what he's dealing with?...

John's such a brilliant protagonist, caught between empathy and sociopathy, and between normal living and an entire world he isn't ready to face. His voice is perfectly realized, and every unbelievable thing that happens to and around him is tempered by his disassociation.

I recommend these books so hard, but I also recommend that you brace yourself for them. They pack a hell of a punch.