A review by raven168
Conspiracy of Ravens by J.C. McKenzie


4.5 stars

This was SUCH a good book. I enjoyed almost everything about it. I laughed, I swooned (a lot), and kept wanting to find out what happened next. It was a great world created here with an interesting combination of dark realms, shifters, normals, and Nordic myths. What I really liked, that we definitely do not get enough of, was just how realistic and believable Raven was. She knew her limits and had no illusions of her being a one woman army. She had spunk, but knew when to bite her tongue. Her internal battle of wills between her head and her body were too funny. She didn't constantly run off doing stupid shit just to prove that she could. Needless to say, I liked her.

Raven was just a normal girl, working two jobs and living in a shitty apartment thanks to her ex who left her with $50k in debt. Just because she's part Other and can shift into a bunch of ravens doesn't make her that special. Or does it?
SpoilerI was so certain about Odin being her father from the moment he was mentioned that I was already patting myself on the back when she goes to see him. But then that twist! Did not see that coming.
She's had a rough couple years now, but she has a family she loves and who will always be there for her. Unfortunately, her twin has disappeared. And there are a lot of dangerous people looking for him.

Cole is one such person. Patron fae of assassins, Lord of Shadows...he can kidnap me any day. Raven called it to a T when she said he was 'Tall, Dark, and Dangerous'. He's not a man to mess with with his violent personality that was just so damn hot. Add to that his quick wit, superior attitude, and volatile treatment of Raven and I'm a goner. Cole knows it was Raven's brother (Bear) that stole something from him, something very powerful, and he'll use any means to get it back before anyone else.

So the two of them sort of work together in order figure out where Bear disappeared to. During which time, Raven is constantly attacked by another Dark Fae Lord and Cole is always trying to save or protect her. Who cares if a few people have to die in order for him to do so. Something Raven thinks she should feel bad about, but in Cole's presence it only turns her on. I hear ya sister. During this time Raven is also constantly fighting her body's reaction to Cole because her body wants him bad. Man, did it take long enough for them to finally get together!

The more they find out, the more questions Raven ends up having. Her search for her brother leads her to, arguably, the most powerful person around...and her learning of her real father. Something she has a lot of trouble wrapping her head around. After Raven gets kidnapped (for the third time) we learn who was behind everything and why. It was a good end with some interesting fighting and lots of bloodshed. The only thing that could be considered urk-some is her brother's declaration because it was sooooo predictable.

The very end annoyed me, but only because I would have done the opposite of Raven. And I have a feeling what she did is going to have a Riddick kind of affect
SpoilerIn the "You keep what you kill" way. With Cole leaving that sythe in her room and her having killed the queen of the shadow realm, it would make sense that she's gonna be the new queen. Also would explain why Bane didn't want to do it himself
. If my theory is correct, this is going to be awesome going forward and would give her and Cole no reason to be apart. I really hope I remember to keep my eye out for the next one.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.