A review by whimsydances
The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up by Marie Kondo


As someone who grew up with two parents who both struggle with holding on to stuff, I have always fought my own pack-rat tendencies. I remember growing up in a bedroom with piles and mounds of toys. An entire bedroom that was closed off, filled with stuff. Not to mention the storage shed in the backyard that was filled from floor to ceiling with stuff. I've always thought I've done pretty well. I regularly go through and eliminate things I don't need. I've never come close to the problems of my parents. But this book did have some good advice to help me be more ruthless in my elimination. And to help me go through and examine areas that I hadn't thought about doing before, or I didn't think required any consideration.

That being said, Marie Kondo's ideas, while helpful, are also on the fringe, sexist (because only women are responsible for tidying), and made for people who literally have no life. I am sorry, but who has TIME to take the bottles in and out of their shower every day, and take everything out of their purse and put it back in, EVERY DAY? I don't even have kids, and I don't have the time for that. I would much rather spend that time reading more interesting books than this one was. I'm glad I checked this out from the library. I got what I needed from it, and can move on.