A review by dailywaffle
Nine Kinds of Naughty by Jeanette Grey


**ARC won in a Twitter contest from the author/publisher**

Jeanette Grey has a serious knack for bringing together gorgeous European locales, smokin’ hot sexy times and stories of self-discovery. [book:Seven Nights to Surrender|25067013] and [book:Eight Ways to Ecstasy|26031235] explored the theme with an aspiring artist and a dude dodging his family’s expectations while bumming around Paris. In her latest, Nine Kinds of Naughty, the series moves to the corporate world where we pick up with Lexie Bellamy and Dane Huntley.

What we get is a steamy, sexy, scorcher of self-discovery. Add it to your TBR now, seriously.

Full review at DailyWaffle.

P.S. I originally heard about Jeanette Grey's books from the gals at the Ripped Bodice (their Instagram anyway) -- thanks, ladies!!