A review by davecapp
Black Hole Blues and Other Songs from Outer Space by Janna Levin


For science nerds who also love a good story, this one's a keeper.

In September 2015 the LIGO project made the first direct measurement of gravitational waves and observed the first ever binary black hole system. Black Hole Blues is the amazing tale of the 50 year project to validate Einstein’s 1915 predictions on gravity, and the incredible story of the people and personalities behind the effort.

Janna Levin writes with humor, insight, compassion, but with a scientists discerning eye towards separating truth from perception, and avoiding the trap of rewriting history based on those who won. For anyone with a love of science, and history, and the amazing people behind the stories, this book is a must read, and to top it all off, it has an amazing ending.

For those in love with astronomy or astrophysics, it’s on par with Lonely Hearts of the Cosmos (Dennis Overbye – 1992).