A review by youcancallmefi
Faebound by Saara El-Arifi


 Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing a copy of this arc.
I was very daunted when requesting this. See, I have an issue: I love the author. I love attending panels hosted by this author, I love watching the interviews and reading about their inspiration and craft. But I did not enjoy their first book, The Final Strife to the point where I didn’t continue with the series.
I desperately want to enjoy this author, so I thought this might be it.
I can say that Faebound was a more enjoyable experience in reading, for me, than The Final Strife however it still fell short to my expectations. I wasn’t foreseeing a romantasy but I guess this is where the author is probably better versed. T
he Final Strife was marketed as an epic fantasy story but had more saphic and romantasy basis than epicness to it – nothing wrong about this, it is just deceiving for the reader.
Faebound was enjoyable and an easy read, but it lacked complexity and depth, especially regarding the magic system and the different skills between tribes
The other point that it failed short for me is how immature and ignorant the main characters act for the age they are supposed to be. I was expecting other profile to these characters and was surprised how YA they read.
I thought it was rather predicting, in terms of plot and outcomes for the characters. They adapted too quickly and accepted a lot of things too comfortably. Even the main villain reveal was rather predicting from the start.
I guess it was just not the book for me, but I can see how well received it will be for fans of ACOTAR, The Cruel Prince, etc..