A review by bookchainedsoul
The Raven King by Maggie Stiefvater


I feel this was a very neat ending to the series. I was slightly worried going in that nothing exciting would happen. After all we’ve known from book one that Gansey dies, and it’s not hard to guess that being the last book this would be the book where they find Glyndŵr or the book where Blue and Gansey finally get together (same for Adam and Ronan - there’s been tension there for at least two books now). So I was concerned. But I can say with absolute confidence that there was absolutely no reason to be.

Each of the characters fully came into their own. Each thing I’ve complained about was addressed and developed in this book. Everything feels very neatly tied to me. Adam has peace with his parents, Blue has realised how annoyingly hypocritical she is and accepted it, Ronan (sort of) made up with his brother, Noah finds rest (or at least it was implied), and Gansey does a lot of self reflection and assessment that made me like him far more. The emotional development, as well as the further explanation of how the various forms of magic work in this world, was brilliant.

The plot was not as predictable as I thought. It was honestly interesting, and eventually heartbreaking. The understanding each of the characters come to with mortality broke my heart, particularly Ronan as I feel his reaction in the end was the most relatable and honest.

This series now officially ranks with my favourites. I loved it, and I highly, highly recommend!