A review by brents
The Lonesome Crown by Brian Lee Durfee


This is the final concluding entry in the Five Warrior Angels series. It was one of my most anticipated reads of 2022 and it did not disappoint. This book starts with an absolute bang and sets the tone that no one and nothing is what you expect, anything can and will happen, and this book is going to go hard in terms of battle and action.

There really isn't much I can say about the 3rd book in a series without getting into spoilers, but if you've liked the first two books I think I can pretty safely say that you'll find plenty to love here. I think the thing I appreciated the most, apart from the crazy battles, are the completely unexpected character arcs and the way Durfee really explores some themes that leaves you questioning everything you thought you knew. This book has 3 epilogues and when I finished the last one I felt pretty damn satisfied and had an appreciation for what he was trying to say even though I may not have got every single answer I thought I might. I think kind of the point is no one really knows all the answers or has all of the details and how those things get interpreted and embellished over time to create myths and legends is kind of what the story is about. Of course it's also about the characters and their respective journeys and of course what happens in this fantasy world when shit really hits the fan. Those are great payoffs too.