A review by jaymeks
Apex by Ramez Naam


I held off writing a review for this trilogy because they truly felt more like a contiguous store than a series of books. So, I wanted to review the series as a whole instead of one by one.

And damn, what a series.

I picked this series up on a whim. I had a few extra GC credits on Amazon and was browsing. I've seen other authors post about Naam's work, so I was familiar when it came across my recommend pile. I am glad that it did.

At this point, I cannot honestly remember where one book ended and another started - the blend in the stories was that good.I also think one of the factors of why I loved it so much was the relatability of the main character. I understood where he was and why. I saw and understood some of the struggles he went through. Even the minor characters were very relatable. Naam did a great job with his characterizations.

At the end of Apex, I could hear the epic score as I read the final scenes. That's how vivid Naam's writing was in this book. It was descriptive without info dumping, and always allowed for more growth. I thought it was well done to the last sentence. I enjoyed the hell out of these books and cannot wait to see what Naam does next.