A review by sjj169
If I Were You by Lisa Renee Jones


DNFing this bitch at 31%

I'm looking around for things to clean instead of reading. That's a bad sign. I can't take anymore.

Get this:
There is something very sexy about a man like Mark Compton in control, but sexy or not, it's also quite uncomfortable for all kinds of reasons I've found better left under the rug. Comfortable is overrated, a voice in the back of my head screams.

I want to smack her.

Sara friend and neighbor gets into buying up storage buildings. She buys one that has some art work and journals of a woman that um are some kinky shit. Well said friend heads off to Paris to marry a dude she just met a couple of months ago and leaves everything in the building to Sara.
Sara decides she needs to hunt down Rebecca, the woman in the journals because she is worried about her. She goes to an art opening and is offered a job by the guy that owns the place. Mark Compton. Meanwhile she is making goo-goo eyes at an artist that has work exhibited there.
She takes the job thinking she is just doing it to find out what happened to Rebecca. Yeah right.

It looks to all appearances that something is funky with the missing girl? I would be freaking the hell out. Not taking her job.
I swear I think this bitch should have watched Single White Female a couple more times.
I'm not reading the rest of these craps books but I do hope Rebecca comes back and kicks her ass.

What happened to the best guys being funny? Making you smile? Being smart? Not this crazy bull shit excuse for men?

I did receive an ARC copy of this book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.