A review by annyeongnica
Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side by Beth Fantaskey


So yeah, finally finished this.

Sometimes, I really have a hard time determining whether I can't stop reading because the book is that good or if I just was deprived for too long of my need to quench my thirst for reading fiction.

I think it's the latter this time, because this book wasn't really that good.

Okay, so I was a bit annoyed with our heroine, Jessica, just because her "smartness" is so in the face. It just kept on irking me that she repeats how she likes rational things, rational ideas, hence she is a rational person. This is one of those annoying moments when the author fails to show, and instead, tells. So why would I believe that Jessica is this rational person if it only shows when she's thinking about math (and aside from it being rubbed into my face).

As Lucius told Frank, this would have been more effective if it was even the littlest bit subtle.

But it wasn't.

So yeah.

And this wasn't a very good novel, but I gotta say that I kind of enjoyed reading it because I needed that happy ending right now. (And I liked how the author kept on infuriatingly teasing me by not making the stars align until the last moment. It was actually kind of fun to know that the story is almost there but not quite yet, and you are repeatedly brought to the brink but never tossed all the way over the edge until the last page.)