A review by thebookshelfmonster
The Clown by Kathryn Ann Kingsley


[b:The Clown|55222655|The Clown (Harrow Faire, #3)|Kathryn Ann Kingsley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1599151477l/55222655._SY75_.jpg|86096508], book three in [a:Kathryn Ann Kingsley|18902774|Kathryn Ann Kingsley|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1551010176p2/18902774.jpg]'s Harrow Faire series, is the momentous third act of the story of Cora Glass and the mysterious Harrow Faire. After the fairly intriguing events of its prequel [b:The Puppeteer|55222644|The Puppeteer (Harrow Faire, #2)|Kathryn Ann Kingsley|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1599151369l/55222644._SY75_.jpg|86096483] which concluded in Cora finally coming to terms with her changed reality, The Clown takes a well-paced nosedive into what seems to be the raison d'etre for everything that has happened to Cora since the beginning of the series. After building expectations in the previous books, The Clown delivers and more.

The world of Harrow Faire continues to delight with its cast of fascinating characters and elusive magicality. We are introduced to a few new faces and get to know better some of the old ones, particularly its titular character The Clown. Having elsewhere praised Kingsley's prowess in writing fascinating characters and engrossing worlds, I want to draw attention to her skill at developing the plots of her stories and pacing the development of her characters and narrative. The growing and evolving relationship between Cora and Simon, Cora's increased understanding of her place in her new world, Simon's own journey of personal growth, Cora's absolutely endearing relationship with the Clown - none of it seem forced or abrupt, and follow a very believable and natural momentum that adequately tempers and frames the melodrama (the delicious, delicious melodrama). I would also be absolutely remiss if I were to not mention, without any spoilers, that utter delight that the cliffhanger the book ended on brought me. Overall, a very satisfying read and I will be eager awaiting the next book in the series.