A review by thatflamyguy
Daughter of Ancients by Carol Berg


As I was coming to the close of this book, I was telling myself, wow Carol Berg did it again. She writes such deep characters, and just gets the human condition. The Rai-Kirah trilogy was my introduction to Ms. Berg, after which I did not pick up another series by her, because I was saving her for a rainy day.

Well, the rainy days came and I dove into this series with complete confidence that it will be time well spent.

By the time we begin the fourth book, it is an interesting juncture in the series because of the way Book 3 ends. I won't spoil things, so I'll just say that I wasn't sure whether a fourth book was needed.

Well, I discovered, that wow, this was the perfect way to complete this series. I adore Gerick and his strength. If Karon and Serin are the lights of the first three books, Gerick shines brighter in his tender growth into adulthood. Truly, a special, special character.

I love Carol's books for how I remember the characters years later, the way I do with Seyonne and Aleksander.