A review by haloblues
Can't Touch by Chara Croft


It wasn't bad by any means, but I found myself skipping the parts of the story where Tyson was with Brian at the gym, going out with him and Sean, etc., basically any scene that wasn't just centered on Tyson and Sean in their dorm because it wasn't holding my interest at all. Even by the end, I was more skimming than intently reading.

Sean was adorable, but it did seriously throw me off that he was so innocent that he kept referring to his dick as his "thing", calling his ass his "bottom" even during sex, etc. - and I'm saying that as someone who was about as innocent as he is until a solid couple of years into adulthood. It made him sound unsettlingly child-like, and that childishness was so emphasised and focused on both in his demeanour and his appearance as well as how he spoke and the words he used that it made me a little uncomfortable.

Details: Alternating POVs, first-person, past tense
Favourite character: Sean
Happy ending?: Yes

He had me now… and fuck the dangers of the minefield. I’d navigate that fucker just fine, thank you very much.

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