A review by galexandriaw
The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon


5/5 stars for the revised edition!!

She does it again folks, I cannot get enough of Shannon's writing honestly. Everything I loved during the first edition? Elevated. Elements I had qualms or concerns with? Alleviated. How she comes up with these worlds and characters I do not know, her mind is a beautiful place and I'm blessed to be able to get a glimpse.

See below for my original review of the first edition.


4.5/5 stars!!!

So let me preface with: I was reading the first edition of this story. I found it at a thrift store before I knew Samantha was going to do a re-write essentially.

But I still freaking loved it. I think I really like the way she writes stories and complex worlds and communities. There's always a badass woman and I can never decide if I want to be them or be with them haha.

I did still have issues with this book. The magic system confused me a good bit of the time, I was definitely doing the "I'm gonna pretend I know what they're talking about until I actually do." I also would have loved more fleshed out side characters and to know their goals a bit better, especially for the humans of the story. It felt that all their motivations were to help Paige but sometimes it felt a bit ingenuine because...they don't know her. It felt a bit like filling gaps for the plot instead of building the characters for the sake of themselves.

However! From what I've seen that Samantha is adjusting in the anniversary edition, she's aware of these issues and is addressing them. So stay tuned for an updated review cause you know I asked for the anniversary edition for a holiday gift haha. Looking forward to immersing myself in yet another Samantha Shannon universe.