A review by lotusross
The Plan by Karla Sorensen


“I’d never recover from her.”

3.5 stars.

Going into this, I was excited albeit a little weary because the first installement left me a little bit... not as happy as I expected to say the least, however, I can safely say that I definitely enjoyed this one more than The Lie.

What did I like most you ask? Lydia. Which honestly comes as no surprise to me since I liked her most in the first book as well. She was so easy to love, she is so down to earth, sassy, funny, ambitious and a very hardworker. She does not hesitate to stand up for people she loves and will do anything for them.

Another thing I enjoyed quite a lot, and it is something I can for sure say is Sorensen's number one strength, is the family dynamic. I loved seeing the Piersons' dynamic and how supportive and loving they are with each other, I loved seeing how protective Luke was of his daughter without ever crossing the boudary into controlling; it was never in doubt that all he cared about was her happiness and safety. Same goes for Lydia and Faith's sisterhood.

Now onto the romance; as much as I enjoyed this one a lot more and as much as I loved these two together, I did feel like the pacing was a bit weird and had some "insta love" feel to it. I feel like Lydia fell too fast, especially with how little Luke showed of himself, which is another thing that annoyed me a bit, even with his POV, it was just hard to FEEL that he had any feelings for Lydia, mostly because he spent 90% of it trying to NOT feel anything and making it more about attraction than anything else. I can't even say for sure this was a slow burn as it didn't feel like it to me. It just felt like a one-sided insta love until almost the very end where it all went from 0 to 100 on Erik's side, and I feel like little effort was done on his side and that most of the fight for the relationship came from Lydia... it would've made up for it if he grovelled a bit but as it is, Lydia again forgave him way too fast for my taste.

However, I still say that this was a solid second book in this series and I'm excited for the other second gen's book, especially Emmett's (and... Adaline?).. I do love and miss my Wards!

*ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.