A review by kfriend
Saving Brad by Siobhan Davis


What a character journey Siobhan has taken Brad on over the course of this series. And this speaks to something Siobhan is SO incredibly gifted at - she’s great at taking really flawed characters who have made bad and/or hurtful decisions and she puts them on a redemptive journey- she somehow has us as readers dislike them and then empathize and love them. Truly, only a talented character writer could evolve a character in a way where we believe they have truly evolved- to where we see them in a different light. I know a lot of people were excited to get Brad’s book, but I wasn’t yet sold on him- even though he’s worked to make amends. But after this book, wow, I’m totally in love with him- but he didn’t make it easy. Siobhan not only has him evolve- mature as the result of his prior experiences- but she also lets us into just his soul, what drives his actions. And man, it broke my soul to see him devolve so much from the Brad we know and know he can be.

And Rachel isn’t really in a good place either-burying her baggage in her partying. Like Brad, we don’t know the whole story- there is so much more going on with Rachel - and a character that we once saw as weak or unraveling you now see as a strong survivor. An embattled fighter. My heart hurts for her pain. Both of them just ripped it right out of my chest- which is why their story is so special. They understand and see each other- and by helping the other heal they can help themselves heal. This is some INTENSE connection.

This has been the most triggering subject matter of the series- so take note. But I loved this story- WAY more than I thought I would, I figured Brad wouldn’t light me up like Kyler, but I think Brad has buried himself deeper in my heart- the goodness, the strength of this man, it gets to me. And they are so perfectly paired, Brad and Rachel, two beautifully broken souls only whole in their togetherness. Oh my heart!