A review by alyram4
Gone by Nightfall by Dee Garretson


Ok I really liked this one!

I probably mention this in every review for historical novels, but historical fiction is something I'm usually pretty nervous about reading since I'm picky. I loved Charlotte as a character, and I'm actually gonna miss her now that the book is done! Dmitri is also a great character, but I would've liked him to have been fleshed out a bit more. There's quite a bit of romance here, too. While we do see that they have a connection, it did feel almost like insta-love, but it doesn't seem distracting and works quite well! I liked the family dynamics going on throughout this book, as it makes the book have the potential to get readers to relate to Charlotte. My main issues is that the writing style isn't my cup of tea, and it can be a bit distracting at tines along with the slower pacing. Despite that, this was a really good read!

ARC provided to me by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.