A review by librovert
He's Just Not That Into You: The No-Excuses Truth to Understanding Guys by Greg Behrendt, Liz Tuccillo


This book presents itself in eleven chapters headed "He's Just Not That Into You If..." where the ellipsis is anything from "...He's Not Asking You Out" to "He's Having Sex with Someone Else."

I felt like the entire book was a lesson in "if he's not 100% falling over himself to do everything for you every minute of every day, he's not into you, get rid of him and find someone better." It's written in a way that everything is black & white, and relationships are never black and white.

I've never been a dater, all 5 of the relationships I've been in have been long term situations. So maybe this book just doesn't speak to me in the way it would speak to others who are at the behest of the dating world.

Also - I thought this book was supposed to be humorous? I can count the number of humorous one liners on one hand, I was not amused by anything in this book. Maybe because I was too busy rolling my eyes are the ridiculousness of it all, or maybe because it just wasn't funny.