A review by absentminded_reader
SJWs Always Lie: Taking Down the Thought Police by Vox Day

Guidelines to Fight Off Polemic Attacks Online

Even if you're not invested in the SJW versus anti-SJW fight on Twitter, Facebook, or Tumblr, you may still find this book of great interest. I wasn't a fan of Day's scorched earth solutions to some of the problems he brought up, but I was impressed with how he broke down emotional arguments versus logical arguments. Also of interest were the ways to stymie an SJW attack which I found applicable to fighting any sort of clique. I was let down to see that I was already employing most of the strategies he suggested (I've been confronted with SJW-like attacks for the past ten years because of my blog), but Day's analysis helped me gain insights into those battles. I won more than I realized, but also was dragged needlessly into the drama more than I should have. Using his advice, I look forward to fending off the enemies at the gates with more alacrity and vim while also saving myself a lot of time.