A review by mimosaeyes
The Subtle Knife, by Philip Pullman


Continuing my re-read of this childhood favourite trilogy: wow. Pullman is just such a great storyteller. Unlike the first book, this one branches out into more perspectives, which works wonderfully to create that sense of so many disparate groups and individuals coming together or squaring off against each other, in a massive-scaled conflict.

I did feel like Lyra's character got subdued a bit when Will was introduced, but I believe she returns to her full glory in the final book, so I'll forgive it. Besides, she remains an adept liar (her defining trait; his is that he's a fighter, I believe?) and it's so thrilling to see her really display mastery with that alethiometer.

Besides, what's not to love? The excellent worldbuilding of the first book has morphed into excellent worlds-building here. Can't wait to start on the third book.

Can you believe I forgot that
SpoilerLee Scoresby (and by extension, Hester) dies
? My heart broke a little at that scene. Just when I thought she was finally getting a decent father figure...