A review by aliaspaine
The Offer by Catherine Coulter


This book could have - SHOULD HAVE - been so much better if our heroine had simply kept her backbone. I HATED that she would cower like a wimp whenever she finally got the nerve to speak her true feelings. And not only was that disappointing to me, but it was even worse that after she kneed her sorry excuse of a husband in the groin but she then APOLOGIZE for it! I mean, c'mon - he was standing in his tart's bedroom, with said tart posed on the bed, fully nude - the bedroom of a home he was STILL paying for (must note that the plaster was just redone over the bed and the bill for it was sent to his marital home by the skank!) - and she APOLOGIZED! Argh!!!!!

Never him or his tart apologizing (SHE HAPPILY STOLE THAT POOR GIRLS WEDDING NIGHT, FFS!!). Just the poor, sad, pathetic wife apologizes even when THEY should have done so!

Each time I've read this story I have prayed that Ms Coulter does a rewrite on it to make our pathetic heroine a person we could be proud of: a steel-backbone, making them grovel for forgiveness, and she brazenly rounds up her Ton friends and, with them, scares all their men into being faithful... and they all pitch in to purchase one-way tickets to Japan for all the tarts stinking up London... AND stand on the decks with their men, waving bye-bye to them all. I'm sure the tarts would find a seedy brothel in Japan (Paris is too close) to work at - they'd love it! LOL

Honestly, I'd love to have had Martine get her comeuppance. Her stupid head-nodding during Sabrina's breakdown just made me want to reach in an deck her one - hard. Martine needed to disappear... why oh why did Jack the Ripper have to disappear? (Yes, I hate her THAT much!!)

And I wish she had made Phillip beg even harder - and called him out on being "about to tell her it was over" when he was clearly undressing and laughing with the tart. Please. Sell that to someone dumb enough to buy it! I hope Sabrina sold Martine's house, without permission from either the douche or the tart... and all contents were sent to Sabrina to go through before GIVING the rest to a local brothel - for free! LMAO! REVENGE OF A WOMAN SCORNED! Martine-the-Tart-Queen deserves it just for stealing Sabrina's wedding night!