A review by wolfmantula
Last Man Standing by Craig A. Falconer


I absolutely loved every moment of this! Last Man Standing is a riveting hybrid sci-fi, apocalyptic, mystery-thriller that’s tense, twisty and loads of fun! While I was reading this, my mind kept trying to find something that reminded me of this, it went all over the place from Gravity to Alexander and the Terrible, No Good, Very Bad Day… but eventually I realized there was a perfect comp that was staring me right in the face with the title, and that’s when it hit me, the Fox sitcom starring Will Forte, The Last Man on Earth! TLMoE takes place on Earth, while LMS takes place on space station, though it does have a few elements, the story revolves around solving the mystery of how his fellow space station companions all died, who did it, and is happening everywhere else.

What hit me most about this was just how likable the main character, Ray Barclay is, Falconer did such a great job of making him a character to want to root for, from the moment he’s introduced, he just gave off a vibe that I really liked. As the story went on, I just started to like him even more, especially when he mentioned that everything he’s doing is to get back to his family. The development he went through and learning more about his past that lead to his growth to who he is now. With the comparison of the sitcom, Ray actually reminds me a bit of Forte’s character, of an ill-fated character that seems to always accidentally put himself into precarious situations while trying to fix something and causing another issue at the same time, it led to some fantastic giggles while being edgy. On top of all that, we must not forget the parrot, that’s another addition that made me giggle throughout the story.

“Curiosity killed the cat and it almost just got the human and the parrot, too.”

I love the decision to not only go with short chapters, but also go with a first person POV for the story, it made it a lot more engaging and a lot more fun when Ray got himself into situations that he had to get himself out of, I would like to talk about a lot of it, but at the same time, people need to experience it without knowing and have fun for the ride. The way this ends was perfect, I’m not gonna call it a cliff-hanger, but it had a somewhat happy-ish ending that left a tinge of excitement to see where things were going to lead in book 2. The narration by Scott Aiello made this story and Ray absolutely come alive, without his narration, I think this would’ve still been good, but it wouldn’t be near as good without him getting deep into character with Ray.