A review by breecreative
Break It Up by E.M. Tippetts


**review originally posted on Coffee Bean Bookshelf**

I will say that I was happily right about how much I would like this book! This was just what I wanted to read…a sweet little romance with an interesting and different plot. The romance wasn’t in my face that much, either, which was a change of pace

I immediately like Kyra’s character – she was a little bit self-depreciating, but strong in many ways because she was smart enough to see the mistakes of her past. I had a little bit of a hard time trying to figure out her family connections, they were mentioned a few times but I would forget and then get confused. It makes more sense now that I realize that there are two other books dealing with her family, though this is not a part of a series. By the end, I had it mostly figured out, though, and loved her family for who they were, and how they came together for her when she needed them.

Zach was truly a breath of fresh air – a good kid, with a squeaky clean image – not a bad boy, not a reformed bad boy, or a boy with an attitude. Ben and Logan were not really the focus of the story, but I definitely liked Logan a lot more than Ben, who was downright rude and rebellious.

For some reason I like stories revolving about the music and entertainment industries, and this was a new twist on that theme. This boy band has changed managers and are ready to shed their “good boy” image, they’re on tour *and* to top it all off, they are having a documentary made about the band. What I loved most was that it all felt real and not haphazardly thrown together – the connections, fights and emotions displayed all rang true. While many other books in this genre focus on the music scene, Break It Up went another direction, and was more about the people involved and the conflict that goes along with that.

I didn’t see the major conflict coming the way that it did. I probably should have, it was a long time coming throughout the book, but I had hopes that Kyra would be able to pull it off and everything would be very happily-ever-after. It didn’t quite work out that way, but enough that I was still quite happy with the ending.

If you’re in the mood for a New Adult novel that isn’t heavy on the romance and a refreshing change from the norm, you should definitely check it out. I will warn you, though, that it’s still for a mature audience – while there are no graphic scenes, the story doesn’t shy away from the subject of sex. I think I will be reading the novels about Kyra’s aunt and uncle soon, and will be watching for more stories by this author!