A review by ranjanireviewsreads
Stay Gold, by Tobly McSmith


Okay, let's address this hot fucking mess of a book, one point at a time. With headings and everything!!

Please, please check the trigger warnings below. This book is not what it seems like. It is better to be spoiled for the story than be caught completely off-guard and triggered when the scene literally creeps up on you.

Additionally, I'd like to say that while I don't identify as trans, I am genderqueer. I experience dysphoria on a daily basis and face casual transphobia and homophobia as well. Please read reviews from more transgender readers; they have very valid criticisms about this book.

- A Real Bad Romance: because, let's be honest, Georgia has as much personality as a sopping wet sheet of paper and that personality is... not good. Not only does Pony and Georgia's "romance" start way too early with absolutely no basis (their eyes meet once and that's a sign?), Georgia very obviously misgenders and is transphobic towards Pony multiple times. The attraction between them makes no sense because they knew as much about each other as I knew about them - absolutely nothing substantial.

- A Writing Class?
Writing teenagers is hard. Ways of conversing change wildly between friends, circumstances, and cliques.  Some authors can pull it off better but McSmith is not one of them.
For the first 1/3 of the book, I am hit with completely random info-dumps about Georgia's past and Pony's coming-out story. They are relevant to the story but there is a way to write them and this is not it.

- All the Internalised Transphobia
- Plus the Internalised Homophobia!
I understand that the internal journey of coming to terms with your identity and with the way the world will ultimately treat you is very, very important. However, trans kids are surrounded by stories like this all day, every day in real life. I believe we need more stories of trans acceptance and trans joy, stories that show another side of being trans, stories that show hope. This story is not unnecessary but it IS misleading. It is not a cute, fluffy romance. It is ultimately a coming-out story with very extreme and violent consequences (check trigger warnings!!!!).

As a result, Pony deals with a lot (and I really do mean a lot) of internalised transphobia. I will be writing more details in the content warnings section, but please be prepared going in that Pony's and Georgia's internal monologues can be very triggering. Pony also uses (one) slur (that I can remember) near the beginning, to "fit in" with his outrageously homophobic and transphobic "manly" friends.

- Forced to Come Out? Jail.
Let's talk about Pony's friend Max and the incredibly harmful message the author spreads, even though it may be unintentional. I will say it as many times as I need to: NO ONE NEEDS TO BE OUT TO BE VALID. YOU DO NOT OWE ANYONE AN EXPLANATION OF YOUR IDENTITY. YOU CAN LIE AS MUCH AS YOU WANT IF IT KEEPS YOU SAFE!!!!!

And that is the gist of the matter, isn't it? Pony was very well aware that being trans in a conservative town, among people he heard being transphobic all day will not be safe for him and YET his BEST FRIEND Max only admitted to understanding Pony's perspective after
Spoiler Pony was literally assaulted and had to be hospitalised
. It felt like a shallow apology at best and really showed the flaws in the overly-marketed and very young queer community of contemporary times.

Max insisted that Pony should be out and "proud" because a small, conservative high school like Pony's needed a transgender voice while Max himself was out at a "liberal" school where "being gay/trans was normal" (Pony's words; can't remember the exact phrasing). I'm not sure what message the author is trying to give, but I do not like this part of it. Not at all.

- Not the Homophobic + Transphobic Friends
That suddenly become not homophobic and transphobic once it becomes cool to be cool with it? But also I generally do not like how the book wraps up so neatly in the last few minutes, with Max's apology, Georgia's everything-phobic cheerleading team coming around, Pony's fathers total 180; the stakes were so high for the entire book. It was obvious the author just wanted to drop everything to get a cookie cutter "the queer/trans kid gets accepted by everyone and is so brave and finds protection" and god knows what else.

- Not the H*rry P*ttr reference *cries*. I counted one. I don't want to know if I missed any more.

TL;DR: A potentially harmful book, given it's target audience with it's internalised transphobia, transphobic friend circle, and it's message of needing to come out to be true to yourself.

I highly DO NOT recommend this book to anyone.

Instead, I would suggest reading:

Cemetery Boys by Aiden Thomas for a similar set up -- trans MC; unaccepting family; some romance; a quest to prove oneself; fantasy 

The Sunbearer Trials by Aiden Thomas -- for a queernorm world and some trans joy; no romance; fantasy

I Wish You All the Best by Mason Deaver

Felix Ever After by Kacen Callender

Lark and Kasim Start A Revolution by Kacen Callender

Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe

When The Moon was Ours by Anna-Marie McLemore

Fierce Femmes and Notorious Liars 

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