A review by sjj169
Aquarium by David Vann


Twelve year old Caitlyn spends her afternoons at the aquarium. Her over-worked mom buys her a pass so that she can stay there afterschool until her mom gets off work. Caitlyn doesn't mind though because fish are her favorite things.
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One afternoon Caitlyn meets an old man that is hanging out at the aquarium. He starts coming everyday to see the fish and to see Caitlyn.
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Caitlyn's mom finds out and freaks out. Sure, that the old man is a big old perv bucket and is out to take Caitlyn and run.
Then they find out who the man is and it brings Sheri's past back to haunt her.
Now I understand having a crappy past. Lots of us do...but dammmmmnn this was the most messed up mom.
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I was actually uncomfortable reading some of it. I felt dirty. I felt ragey. I felt broken, by a book.
Anything is possible with a parent. Parents are gods. They make us and they destroy us. They warp the world and remake it in their own shape, and that's the world we know forever after. It's the only world. We can't see what it might have looked like otherwise.
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Booksource: I won a copy of this book from firstreads at Goodreads. Woot!

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Check out my friend Cher's review she loved this one and I adore how Cher does her reviews.