A review by reviewerlarissa
Blood On The Mountain by India Harper


**Review for Rarely Dusty Books**

Woooooweeeeeee! This book was just what I needed! After a string of books with one strong and one weaker man with a care relationship, I was ready for some strong manly man book. Blood on the Mountain by author duo India Harper gave me just that.

Blood on the Mountain is the story of Nathan Graves, philanthropist and entrepreneur with a new housing project that leads him to the favelas of Rio de Janeiro. The favelas aren’t exactly the safest place on earth and it leads him to Gabe Callan, security expert. The sparks fly as soon as the two meet and Nathan isn’t shy about what he wants either. Everything is well…erh…hot as hell literally and figuratively. Right until the bullets start to fly.

This is a fantastic short read. Well worked out with a fine cast of characters. Nathan and Gabe are their own men. They are strong, independent and are secure in what they want and need and not afraid to show it either. That’s what I liked about these characters most, even though this is a short story. They are very different from each other, but each brings something unique to this book. These are not your typical stock characters.

The mystery is secondary to the developing relationship and fuck-fest, but what little there was, was well placed. There’s more to it and I think there might just be a sequel that expands on the mystery started here. If not, then I’ll be a little disappointed because there was no real end to it.

Blood on the Mountain is a good romantic suspense story where sparks fly of the pages and the main characters get in some interesting situations both in and out of the favelas. Not to mention, you want to know what Nathan can do with his mouth and a condom!