A review by santonss
Another Faust by Dina Nayeri, Dina Nayeri


Usually YA reads are easy for me to fly through. I think it has to do with the way plots are set up. leaving the reader never wanting to put to book down, eagerly buying up the next volume. This book was nothing like that. It took me what seemed forever, but in reality was only more along the lines of a week and a half. The premise sounded interesting. Satan meets gossip girl. mind you, I have never read a gossip girl story. In reading this,I couldn't relate to any of the characters. they seemed far too flat, only based on one thing. the value of power of a good boyfriend that can lead to a rich marriage, of winning a debate to becoming president. i found it hard to envision, perhaps because i do not share any of these visions of grandeur, nor trying to beat others by any means necessary.
Added to this disconnect, is the poorly eluded plot twist that can save or kill them in the end. It felt like things should be coming to a head, but weren't. Finally when it was it was very awkward. if the devils been unmasked, for the few who were in the dark, why let it go on? It seemed like a great idea. but not that great of a story.