A review by lassarina
From Duke Till Dawn by Eva Leigh


I bought this the day it came out and then hoarded it like a dragon for a day when I really needed to love what I was reading, and oh, did I.

The heroine, Cassandra, swindled the hero, Alexander, five years past. He doesn't know this as the story opens, and thinks he's rediscovered a lost chance at happiness. Naturally, he quickly finds out, and shenanigans ensue.

I loved the disparities in their lifestyles--Alexander is a kind man, who does his best, but he's thoroughly insulated by a life of privilege, while Cassandra is the opposite. I loved the way they grew together, and challenged each other, and the way their relationship developed. I liked their deep awareness of the many things that challenged them. I loved the side characters and the small references to the Wicked Quills of London. I am hella excited to find more in this series, but I also just want to re-read this one twice.