A review by blackngoldgirlsbookspot
Seagrass Pier by Colleen Coble


Colleen Coble's Hope Beach series is the perfect read if you're a landlocked beach lover like me. I've been pining away for the Outer Banks, but unfortunately my vacation isn't coming up anytime soon. Seagrass Pier was the suspenseful escape I needed.

While not quite as gripping or romantic as the previous books in the series, it was still nice to read a story that featured new characters and my old favorites from the first two books. Never fear, if you haven't read the first two books in the Hope Beach series, you can still read and enjoy Elin and Marc's story! Elin Summerall and Marc Everton's relationship starts off rather interestingly -- with a hookup. This is Christian fiction, so obviously there aren't any "details" and both have learned to forgive themselves and ask forgiveness for past wrongs that forever affected both their lives. Seagrass Pier focuses on both rediscovering the spark that they both felt when they were younger all while trying to find out the truth behind a dangerous and deadly mystery before more people get hurt or worse, killed. I was a little disappointed that there wasn't a little more chemistry between Marc and Elin. The sparks and storyline between two of the secondary characters was more interesting for me. However, the most suspenseful and intriguing monents happened when Marc and Elin were together, so that's a plus!

As always, Coble pens an interesting story that is hard to put down. If ever you're in search of a quick romantic read with mysterious undertones, her books are some of the best you can reach for. The Hope Beach series, while not my all-time favorite by the author, is still a set of worthwhile reads. Hopefully, there will be more beach-set stories from Ms. Coble in the near future!

*I receive complimentary books for review from publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*