A review by unknownbooks23
Surprised by Paradox: The Promise of "and" in an Either-Or World by Jen Pollock Michel


“A kingdom life is always a nonconforming life, and subversion is a form of witness.”

Often, when we think about what the Kingdom of God will look like, we forget that we are called to be witnesses of that kingdom, and we forget that that kingdom is already here among us. Surprised By Paradox by Jen Pollock Michel does a wonderful job explaining the concept of paradox in God’s kingdom, reminding us that God’s kingdom is an upside down one, where the righteous are not the rich but those who are poor, where children are to be heard and not just seen.

As I read through Surprised By Paradox and reflected upon the questions at the end of each segment, I found myself longing for this upside down kingdom, and hope that my life begins to act as a witness to that kingdom. Everyone should read this book out of longing for an upside down kingdom, one where tears are no more but one where everlasting joy and peace reign. The only way for this kingdom to be made among us is for the kingdom to change us first. We can’t change others using fear or suffering, but when we meet others in their suffering,there we’ll see change.

We should not fear the mystery of the kingdom life; rather we should embrace it, reminding ourselves that in the mystery, God is found. In the mystery, we worship the God who sees, who knows our suffering, and who knows our hearts’ desires. May Surprised By Paradox remind us that the mystery of God is not a terrible thing, but is a gift that blesses each of us who seek God diligently, as we strive to see Him face to face.