A review by slelswick
Overcoming Dyslexia: A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems Atany Level by Sally E. Shaywitz


No. Just no. Sally Shaywitz goes to great length to detail how a person actually learns to read, which was interesting. Then she adds in a hefty dose of the history of dyslexia, meticulously citing sources. Great. However. Shaywitz does not actually include any concrete methods a parent / teacher can use to teach a struggling child to read. Although she devotes a good amount of page space to listing a bunch of different phonic based reading programs that you can buy. And if you just practice phonics over and over again, the child will eventually learn. No. Just no. Been there done that with school administrators and my child still struggles to read and feels lousy as a result.

The only redeeming chapter in this book was the very last one where Shaywitz offers sage advice on how to explain to your child what dyslexia actually is. Here she uses age appropriate explanations to share with your child that were actually really helpful.

If you are like me, a parent with a ten year old child still reading on a first grade level despite interventions at school, an IEP, and private tutors...well, skip this book. Just don't bother. My search continues, but this book didn't offer anything that wasn't already apparant and already being done.