A review by mashara
The Black Parade by Kyoko M.


There's a lot to like in this book, and I am not a particularly adept reader of books with catholic mythology, so it was really not the book for me from the start, but still, I liked it.
The only thing that really rubbed me the wrong way, and it knocks the 4th star out of it is that at some point Jordan (I had to look her name up, I couldn't remember it and I think that tell you about everything you need to know about my feelings towards this book) increases her powers a lot, and this is shown to us in a flashback. Which makes no sense at all, because it happens during the time period the book covers. It looks like the author decided all of the sudden to give her powers and couldn't be bothered to search in the Word document the previous chapters to add it in. Or it has been written in published instalments. It's either one of those, but it's jarring.