A review by heatherhy01
Always Forever Maybe, by Anica Mrose Rissi


I am a sucker for any type of book that deals with physical/emotional abuse. Having had a bad relationship in my younger years, I feel that I can relate to the characters in a way that someone whom had never experienced this type of thing would not be able to.

I really liked Betts and felt that she was really just trying to find herself and had a lot of self esteem issues when Aiden walked into her life. Their relationship in the beginning was kind of "story book" like and it was easy to see the tell tale signs that things would go south quickly. I LOVED her best friend Jo! She was the type of friend that no matter what, she had your back. If you were being stupid, she would let you know and no matter how much you hated her, she always had your best interest at heart! Although the story line was about Aiden/Betts, a major point in the story was Betts and Jo's friendship. It was kind of refreshing to have that aspect and not have the entire story a romance. Jo's brother, Eric was very sweet too and although he seemed more like a side character, he really did have a lot to do with the turn the story had taken.

The ending seemed a bit rushed to me and there was not really a big climax. The story seemed to linger for a few chapters until Betts finally made up her mind. Which honestly, it didn't feel like she wrestled with herself too much over.

Although, I was not a huge fan of the ending, I still very much enjoyed the book itself and thank Edelweiss and the publisher for the review copy.