A review by zuzubaloox
The Shining by Stephen King


Jack, after losing his job gets another being the caretaker for the Overlook Hotel during the winter months, whilst it is closed for the season. He and his family move there, potentially being isolated for months, until then spring. Will the family survive the winter? Or will they end up going the way of the previous caretaker’s family?

This is my second Stephen King book, behind [b:Carrie|11740831|Carrie|Stephen King|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1451469595l/11740831._SY75_.jpg|1552134], and I'm not seeing the appeal. This was a boring book, the characters were boring and the plot, in my opinion, was vague and weak.

The book was so slow, boring and drab that at one point it put me to sleep. For a book that was supposed to be scary, it was a huge snoozefest, and even the supposedly scary, horror scenes weren't scary

Nearly 500 pages and not a lot happens. The build-up to getting to the hotel was boring, and probably a lot of it was unnecessary and the same could probably be said for their time during their stay in the hotel. By the time something happens, the book has finished.

I found the hotel rather confusing. It's strong enough to seem “alive” but it is incapable of repairing its boiler. I'm not sure if it's alive, full of ghosts, or everybody was higher than a kite (I was wishing I was by the last 50-100 pages), a combination of these things or none at all.

I'm not sure how many times I can say this book was boring, but it was boring.