A review by andrea_f
The Queer and Transgender Resilience Workbook: Skills for Navigating Sexual Orientation and Gender Expression by Anneliese A. Singh


This is one of those books that are definitely needed in the queer community. This book deals with self-respect and how you can get motivation to keep going. I have to say that this would be perfect for people who have just come out or are thinking of coming out because it deals with many things that could be beneficial for those people to know.

There were a few things that surprised me. The first one is that is written by a nonbinary person, which is honestly great because it's hard to find books written by nb writers. The second one is that it mentions asexuality, aromanticism and pansexuality, which is something that rarely happens in more academic and serious writings about sexuality and identity. The third one is that it acknowledges nonbianry genders, which is absolutely amazing. The fourth one is that it focuses on intersectionality, this makes sense because the writer is a person of colour but it's great seeing it acknowledged.

This workbook focuses on many things that go through your mind when you are thinking of coming out or you have just come out but I feel like it could also be used to help improve the different associations that already exist. I think this is the case because of the importance that it gives to intersectionality and the different identities that exist in a person. This could be really useful to work through in smaller communities in order to make sure that everyone feels welcomed.

There is something else that has won me over, even though it's not actually very important to the content. The author criticises Dan Savage, which is something that I live for because he always seems to forget intersectionality and privilege in everything that he does. Also, he tends to dismiss new identities.

This workbook can be very useful.

*I received an e-ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review*