A review by 5fourteen
Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt Cobain by Danny Goldberg


This was definitely a worthwhile read, even for those like me who have read several books on Nirvana/Kurt. Because it was written by someone who knew Kurt intimately, it covered a lot of things that no other Nirvana/Kurt bio could have. It mainly covered the years 1990, when Danny Goldberg became Nirvana's manager, to 1994, the year Kurt died. I feel like sometimes Kurt is depicted as being naive when it came to his band's career. That he was not in control of the band's meteoric rise to fame, when in fact, according to this book, the exact opposite was true. Kurt was completely in control of every decision the band made, and was extremely calculating in this regard. He wanted his band to be famous from the start. He just had a hard time navigating the fame once he got it, and, as others have stated, it bothered him immensely that he couldn't control the narrative as it related to his music.