A review by queenkoko
Charmed: Magic School by Katy Rex


Before I begin to bash this, let me just state that this would have been great as a story without it having to do with Charmed. A young witch coming into her magic and being sent to a school for magic is great to work with. Adding Charmed to it just made it worse. However, 

I appreciate the LGBT+ representation which was something not shown in the television show. Not sure if it was shown in the Zenescope comics either. The characters are one dimensional. They are either nice or mean. No type of depth.

As someone who has seen the original series and read S9 & S10 of the comics by Zenescope, I was thoroughly disappointed with this mess. First off this is a GRAPHIC NOVEL not a Manga in the slightest. I am also unsure where on the timeline this takes place. From what I gathered Wyatt and Chris are both in the story so it takes place after S6. Leo is no longer an elder but a whitelighter? Was he demoted? Paige is headmistress of Halliwell Academy. When did this open? What happened to Magic School?

The artwork isn’t the greatest in regard to the Halliwell sisters because they look nothing like their TV counterparts at all. I couldn’t even tell them apart.

If one other thing was done right, it was how they captured the essence of Phoebes ego. Here is a quote that is spot on! “And not to be a jerk or anything, but I am the most popular columnist at the bay mirror. My fans expect real advice”.

This has potential if they move away from Charmed and try to make it their own thing.

I received a copy of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.