A review by kfrickle
The Lavender Garden by Lucinda Riley

Did not finish book. Stopped at 30%.
I was interested in one timeline only. The present day timeline, I felt the character was not relatable to me, and her relationship was too fast paced (It is a hit or miss for me with fast paced relationships in books). <Spoiler> The 2nd timeline was interesting until I got to a part of the book were the main character is caught in a predicament where she has to "play a part" as a single woman. (She is married but the husband has no idea she is in France working as a spy). She is being "courted"  by a Nazi, and he is basically harassing her. When she tells the person that she is living with (who knows she is a spy) he tells her that for the sake of her life (as a spy) and the lives of others, she would have to endure this man's advances. They don't want to give the Nazi any notion of her being a spy or working for the spy network. <Spoiler> I didn't want to read anymore from the book because that is not a theme I typically like to read.