A review by texasrambler
Wake by Shelley Burr


I was surprised to learn that this was Shelley Burr's debut novel since it reads like the work of a more experienced writer. She does a wonderful job of slowly revealing details on her characters while always make sure you know just enough to keep turning pages.

The story itself doesn't seem remarkable even if the setting is. 19-years ago Evelyn McCreery disappeared from their farm house in the Australian Outback, forever uprooting the lives of her family and their community. Mina McCreery, Evelyn's sister, now runs a scaled-down version of the farm, but the ghost of her sister still lingers. Mina lives like a hermit, trying to avoid the occasional journalist or scammer who comes around promising to find her sister.

Which is why it's strange that when Lane Holland, a private investigator, comes around that he starts to make progress. Mina is reluctant to trust him, but he seems to put her more at-ease than others, especially when he makes clear that the multi-million dollar reward is what brought him. It seems refreshingly sincere.

But there's a lot more going on here.

To go any further is to spoil what makes the book a fun and fast read.