A review by elenajohansen
Last of the Wilds by Trudi Canavan


DNF @ page 90. I gave this more than 10% before I gave up, because I wanted to at least rotate once fully between ALL THE MANY POVs. Like the first book, there are just too many, and it makes the narrative too choppy.

Basically the only thing I do like about the book is the inclusion of a new POV character, Reivan, one of the Pentadrian army. Through her I got the first glimpses of the enemy and their society, which honestly seemed to be as rigid, theocratic, and harmful as the Circlians, aka the "good" guys. Part of me was hoping for some kind of subversion, that the Pentadrians were going to turn out to be the winners/heroes/good guys after all, but if this epic fantasy trilogy is about two theocracies dueling it out to see which one is better, well, you're both idiots, and I don't care who wins. I'm out. For good.