A review by usuallykayla
Spur der Angst. by John Sandford


While the plot was interesting enough to compel me to continue reading - out of curiosity as to how everything would be resolved, I found myself unable to really connect to or sympathize with any of the characters. There were two that I liked, but none that I loved, so rather than really rooting for the book to play out a certain way - rather than becoming heavily invested in the fates of any of them - I found myself feeling more like an interested, objective, outside observer. Being unable to sympathize with any of the characters made it more difficult to really feel drawn into the book - and while you are presented with snapshots of the character's lives that reveal more about their personalities and characteristics - it's never enough to really become attached to anyone. Obviously I would have liked the book more if I'd been able to really connect to one or two characters, but that drawback was compensated by a suspenseful and innovative plot -

So overall? Decent enough - I liked it.