A review by schrijversbrein
Verkozen & Verraden, by P.C. Cast, Henny van Gulik, Kristin Cast


For a more detailed spoiler free review in dutch: https://lizakoppens.wordpress.com/2020/02/09/verkozen-het-huis-van-de-nacht-p-c-cast-kristin-cast/

I really loved the cover of the book, that and the synopsis on the back made me really want to read it.

The way it was written was okay. I Did not like the little ( ) with toughs in them, but once I was a bit further in the story I started to read over it. I liked how she described the world and I could make a picture of it in my mind, however there wasn't really anything special about it.

The story itself was fine. I didn't like the way Zoey was really judgmental, especially in the beginning, and then her family and friends came in to play. Her best friend was a *beep* her Almost-boyfriend was an alcoholic, her mom had clearly forgotten how to be a mom and her stepdad... oh the stepdad.
It made me really happy when her grandmother enters the scene and it turns out, there are competent grownups, shocking I know.
When she came to the house of night I really loved the setting and most of the characters that she met especially her roommate. The story got a lot more interesting.
There was less action than I would have liked, but I still enjoyed reading the story and how she little by little learned more and more of the world she would now be living in.

The book is not for everyone, however if you are thinking about reading it I would recommend giving it a chance who knows you might like it.

Negative points
- Zoey is really judgmental even though they keep reminding you she isn't a judgmental person
- The thoughts between ()
neutral points
- It was written in past tense
- First person POV
- High school drama
positive points
- The different sexualities and ethnicity (could have been better but at least it's not all the same)
- A fascinating world
- A different look on vampires