A review by novelesque_life
City of Shadows by Victoria Thompson


2021; Berkley Publishing

I am fascinated with the supernatural when it comes to the fiction (books, movies and TV series) so wanted to set that as a caveat. Something about the Victorian age gothic and the seance is spooky in a good way. In this novel, Elizabeth has been asked by a friend to look into a medium that is making money by speaking to the dead on the behalf of those still alive. Arthur Conan Doyle lost his son in the war and turned to the supernatural to make contact with him again. I was thinking of this, and also my own grief. I lost my grandma, and would do anything to have 5 more minutes with her. In those lost moments of grief, I could see how I would look for anything/anyone who could give me five more minutes. I think those feelings followed me into this book, and I just had strong emotions. I liked this novel, but something did keep me from rating it higher. I am sad I have caught up in the series and now have to wait for the next book.

***I received a complimentary copy of this ebook from the publisher through Edelweiss Opinions expressed in this review are entirely my own.***