A review by leons1701
Bigfootloose and Finn Fancy Free by Randy Henderson


I'm not sure why exactly, but I didn't enjoy this one as much as the first. Not bad, but not something that really stood out either. Which is kind of sad when you're reading an urban fantasy about a heroic necromancer that has a knitting bigfoot looking for love, a scarred dryad, a were-squirrel and more among it's characters. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood for 80's pop culture references (although I really liked the Flashdance one) or maybe because I keep comparing to Butcher (Dresden) or Hines (Libriomancer) and Henderson comes up short (hey, most writers in the urban fantasy genre do, it's not a big deal). I'm just not sure, but I really couldn't give this more than a perfectly serviceable three star rating (hey, 3 stars does mean I liked it, it's the one and two star category that's actually bad)