A review by booksbymary1
Ruin Me: Caleb & Ruby #1 by Claire Raye


5 stars!!

"I’ll ruin her and us and anything good and precious that might be between us. But it doesn’t change how much I want her, how she’s become so much more to me than just a person to talk to or a security blanket to keep my nightmares away."

Let’s just say Caleb and Ruby ruined me. After reading what happened to Caleb in Complete Me, I was so excited to get his book and it was very emotional at times. This book talks about the effects of ptsd and panic and anxiety attacks,it really opens up that conversation that I feel like a lot of people suffer from.

Caleb and his sister Sienna didn’t have a great upbringing and only had each other so it was beautiful to see a relationship blossom between Caleb and Ruby. With everything that happened to Caleb is was so nice to see him opening up to Ruby and letting her in a little bit! Ruby is probably my favorite,she takes to no crap and her love for her friends and family really shows.
Since this is a duet the ending does end on a cliff hanger and I can’t wait for the second book to see where Caleb and Ruby go.