A review by habibaaibrahim
Undescribable by Shantel Tessier


Its been a while since I really started reading a really good series. And let me tell you, I am overwhelmed. I am in love with every single thing and character in this book. Its so heartwarming, funny, swoony and beautiful.

Slade, perfect Slade. Handsome Slade. Generous Slade ane sexy Slade. I loved all of his sides. He is trying so hard to change. Samantha truly took over his senses and I loved how he accepted that.
I loved how he dealt with his feelings and how he is trying to break Samantha's wall.
He took her as a challenge in the start, but then he realized that she is more! And since this moment on, he was 100% devoted to her!!!!

The beautiful Samantha. She is sensitive, heart broken, hurt, but she still had so much more to offer. She is kinda the sexy/generous next door woman.
She was totally out of Slade's league, but she gave him a chance. Most importantly, she gave herself and her heart a chance!!

Samantha and Slade's struggles were on the emotional side. Each of them is fighting their past.
Where Slade can't escape his old playthings lists and his past is always catching up with him.
Samantha is trying to overcome her negative emotions. How she thinks the ones she love the most don't return the same amount of love as her. After her mum and Jax's shock, she thought Slade would never love her like she does. Okay, I am with her that she should doubt him, but still she has to let go.
She has to let go of the guilt and all the negative feelings/thoughts! It was never her fault.

All the side/additional characters were nothing less than perfect.
Mark and Vivian were always so patient and sweet with her. Specially Vivian who was here number one wine supporter/supplier.
Holly and Micah. Holly hell, these two are the goals for having best friends like them who are in love.
Courtney and Josh, they took being sweet to the higher level.
I can't get how sweet Josh is, and how sexy/ confident Courtney is. Their book is going to be too much.
Yup, I hate what Sam's mum did, it wasn't the right choice, but still a mother has her own heart that she could never put first.

This series got me all the way in and I can't seem to get out or stop reading. And I JUST DON'T WANT TO!! My feelings for this book are undescribable.

*On a side note: I wish Samantha could drink less*