A review by bookstoashes
Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare


3.5 Stars

It's about time I finally got back into this world, and after 4 years since I picked up the last one (before my re-read), I'm finally here.

Reading this was a roller coaster. I wasn't entirely hooked by it, though found it enjoyable. It felt very centered around the romance this time around, and despite not minding that, it also felt a little rushed.

The build up with Tessa and Will feels a lot more natural to me, and despite liking Jem a lot (almost more than Will, but after this book it's probably equal), it just doesn't make sense how fast paced this went with Tessa.
Jem deserves the world, and of course I want to see him happy, but it feels like Tessa is only with him and agreeing to marry him because he's dying and she doesn't want to essentially break his heart.
She used him as backup when Will was pushing her away, and now that Will can finally be with her since he knows the curse was a lie, I don't really think she wants to be with Jem, and honestly that's not fair to Jem at all.

I don't know how this will end, I know it will hurt, but I'm ready for it...I think. Jem will most likely die, and I'll cry because of it, although I'm curious to see what'll happen with Will and Tessa. It's just way too much for me to handle regardless of the outcome